Gemstone Meanings

Have you ever wondered why you are drawn to certain crystals or gemstones? Each one carries a different frequency or energetic vibration. Whether you use them as a meditation aid or to give you a energy boost, check out the meanings of these crystals and gemstones to see what their gentle energies can offer you.


Amethyst is a stone of spiritual protection and purification. It enhances intuition and is an excellent stone for meditation and relaxation. Use amethyst to cleanse negative energy from your environment.

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz resonates with the gentle frequencies of compassion and unconditional love. Holding or wearing this stone will help you connect with these qualities and remind you to have an open heart.


Turquoise promotes clear, effective communication. It is the perfect stone for anyone who does writing, public speaking, acting, singing or any activities that involve expressing oneself.

Smoky quartz

Smoky quartz is a powerful grounding stone that helps you stay focused and organized. It clears away negative energy and helps you manifest your wishes.

Tiger Eye

Tiger eye energizes the body and helps you achieve emotional balance. It is a stone of balance and mental clarity that encourages you to see both sides of a situation.

Disclaimer: The information about the properties of crystals and gemstones has not been scientifically evaluated. The author’s intent is to offer information of a general nature and does not recommend it to be used as a form of treatment for physical or mental conditions without the advice of a physician, directly or indirectly. If you use the information for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author assumes no responsibility for your actions.